What is a berm, and how is it made? A berm in the mountain biking community, is a feature on a trail in which there is built up clay around a turn to make it more smooth and enjoyable to ride. How berms are made are cool, and not too hard. The first step to making a berm is finding the right turn you want it to be placed on. Once you find the perfect turn you will need to gather enough medium sized rocks to make a base, and support the berm. Once you have a good outline you can begain to dig for a certain kind of dirt. The texture you are looking for is more of a clay type texture. The reason for this is so the clay will stick together and have a strong base. After you have gathered enough clay u want to smooth it along the turn creating a nice texture. Once you finally shape your berm to how you want it, you should try to fill the hole you dug with sticks and tree braches as much as possible. One final and optional piece you can add to your berm is adding nautral dirt along the edge of it. This makes the berm more physically appeling becasue over time, the natural dirt should give it a mossy texture just like in the photo above. I would suggest waiting about two days before you ride it to make sure the berm secures it's structure. As long as the property is free to build on, or you own it, you can now make your own berms anywhere! As always, have fun and be safe!