What is a dropper seatpost, and what are the benefits? A dropper seatpost on a mountain bike is a tool that allows the height of the seat to be adjusted manually. As shown above on the photo to the right, my seat on the bike is raised much higher than the photo on the left. With the seat raised, it should be about the height of your hips. The benefit of this utility is mainly on uphills and flat terrain. When you are riding with your seat up this shifts the muscles you're using into just your lower body rather than engaging your arms core and chest as well. By doing this riding long uphills can be done much easier because you are using less muscles, and your riding posture can reserve you energy. While riding rough terrain, especially on downhills, I would recommend that your seat remains low. I say this just in case you come upon any unexpected rocks or roots that could cause a shift in your balance resulting in an accident. A dropper seatpost can be added to any mountain bike. Go to your nearest bike shop to get a quote on how much it may cost, because depending on the bike it could vary. Make sure to stay safe and have fun! Here is a link to learn more about dropper posts and the safety surrounding it:
Mountain Bike Dropper Seatpost.