What are they?
Spike and clip-in pedals serve different purposes for the biker to choose from. The spike pedal is on the right and the clip-in pedal is on the left. For mountain biking these pedals help your feet stay on the bike with a good grip without slipping while traveling over rough terrain. Now lets compare them!
Spike pedals are very simple. If you choose spike pedals, any footwear is allowed while riding even though it should be close toed shoes. The spikes will then latch onto the bottom of your shoe making a secure grip. The nice part about spike pedals is that there is no clip-in process so if you wish to exit your bike at any moment it takes no time or thought. Some things to be careful about is that these spikes are very sharp. Having a collision or accident can result in getting harmed by these spikes. Another thing that spikes lack is the uphill support. Since you are not clipped in with spikes they can't support you as much while clmibing up a hill. Aside from those two drawbacks I would say spikes are very solid and always a good choice.
Clip-in pedals consist of a certain shoe that you have to wear in order to clip into the pedal. Although it may take some getting used to, with practice clips can take as short as half a second to get in and out of. Clips keep you foot secured to the shoe which helps with uphill endurace and stamina. It is also very nice while riding intesne terrain to know that your foot will not slip. Some people don't like the idea of being locked into their bike while riding which is understandable, but it only takes a little bit of practice to learn how to use these pedals.
Overview and which is better?
There is no answer to which pedal is better because that depends on the person and what they like. I think overall clips have more benefits than spikes, but that is my personal opinion. Both of these pedals are very solid options and if you don't have them on your mountain bike I reccomend you invest in some. The best place to go would be your local bike shop and ask them how you could get your desired pair. Most importantly staying safe is the best thing you can do for yourself so I would reccmoned trying both before choosing one. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Now have fun!
Good points on both sides! I’ve never had clip ons as they have always scared me! But, folks who have them seem to love them!